

I need an old oak tree, with space around it to inhale; not too much to ask for. I can’t breathe in neighborhoods. Can’t feel the gritty earth pressing up through my toes. It takes an old farmhouse to hold me in its stories – one of many who have...
Human Limits and Holy Moments

Human Limits and Holy Moments

I’m on a houseboat. Never done this before… Jeff took us up to Smith Mountain Lake this weekend to celebrate our birthdays. The days leading up to this trip found me with a knot in my stomach. I couldn’t say why, and I also couldn’t shake it. The night before I...
I Need God’s Wild

I Need God’s Wild

I’ve been needing a recharge. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have an amazing life! Jeff and I got married this past September, after 8 years of waiting, building our relationship, and parenting our boys. I’m still blown away by the depth of joy it brings, to weave our...
Slaying the Dragon

Slaying the Dragon

I’m not a thrill seeker. I’m not one of those folks who is hooked on adrenaline. True, my lifelong love affair with horses has me court high adrenaline moments on a more regular basis than some, but that’s not the draw for me. Unfortunately, I’ve spent more years of...
Yesterday, my life changed.

Yesterday, my life changed.

Yesterday, my life changed. Jeff and I got married. I wasn’t anticipating the depth of the change this has wrought in me. For both of us, this is our second marriage. There’s pain left over from a previous marriage. Scars. A reticence to trust, and fully open again....